Muse project
More on Muse
input manager
The Input Manager takes the player's inputs and relays it to the input system.
Character movement
This was my first time working solo with Unity's new input system. The character movement is handled by the new input system, this is so you can easily change control schemes and make new inputs. This was done because Unity's base input manager doesn't allow for that much freedom.
First person camera
The first person camera was handled through Unity's new input system. It takes the X movement and Y movement of the mouse, and makes sure it can't rotate vertically below/above a minimum/maximum rotation value by using a Clamp.
Music & sounds
This was my first time working with adding music and sounds to a game, and making specific sounds trigger with certain conditions, such as jumping.
baking lightmap
This was also my first time baking a lightmap in Unity. It was an interesting way to create realistic lighting and I definitely learned a lot from it. We chose to bake lightmaps instead of using realtime lighting to improve performance.